The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) in Ireland current guidelines in regards to Manual Handling Training:
”No exemptions or relaxation of the legislative requirements in respect of the statutory requirements under the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act 2005 or it’s associated Regulations are in place at this current time, however, the Health and Safety Authority recognise this is a fluid situation, and are keeping matters under review”.
”The Authority recognises that employers, as a result of national measures to prevent the spread of COVID 19, may find it challenging to source training courses or competent persons to provide the required training in the current circumstances. Notwithstanding any such difficulties, employers are reminded of their general duty to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the safety health and welfare at work of their employees and also others who may be present at the place of work”.
”Every effort should be made so far as reasonably practicable to continue to provide manual handling training for employees as necessary with particular consideration to be given to prioritising the delivery of training for those staff who are most at risk. Up to date public health advice on preventing the spread of COVID-19 will need to be taken account of when providing training”.
Contact King Security Training Ltd to arrange Manual Handling Training in line with the current health authorities guidelines.